The Lurking Fear - listen to all songs
Out Of The Voiceless Grave
The Lurking Fear
Vortex Spawn
The Lurking Fear
The Starving Gods Of Old
The Lurking Fear
The Infernal Dread
The Lurking Fear
With Death Engraved In Their Bones
The Lurking Fear
Upon Black Winds
The Lurking Fear
Teeth Of The Dark Plains
The Lurking Fear
The Cold Jaws Of Death
The Lurking Fear
Tongued With Foul Flames
The Lurking Fear
Winged Death
The Lurking Fear
Tentacles Of Blackened Horror
The Lurking Fear
Beneath Menacing Sands
The Lurking Fear
Abyssal Slime
The Lurking Fear
Death Reborn
The Lurking Fear
Cosmic Macabre
The Lurking Fear
Funeral Abyss
The Lurking Fear
Death, Madness, Horror, Decay
The Lurking Fear
Architects of Madness
The Lurking Fear
In a Thousand Horrors Crowned
The Lurking Fear
Kaleidoscopic Mutations
The Lurking Fear
Ageless Evil
The Lurking Fear
One in Flesh
The Lurking Fear
Restless Death
The Lurking Fear
Leech of the Aeons
The Lurking Fear
The Curse
The Lurking Fear
The Lurking Fear