Sam Newsome - listen to all songs
The Quiet Before the Storm: Music for Soprano and Hanging Bell Chimes
Sam Newsome
The Doppler Effect: Music for Three Circular Breathing Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Horns of Plenty: Music for Fifteen Rhythmic Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Hiss and Kiss: Music for Three Mouthpiece-less Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Clicktopia Part 1: Music for Six Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Jagged Breath: Music for Solo Circular-Breathing Soprano
Sam Newsome
Micro-Suite for Fifteen Sopranos: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Sam Newsome
The Straight horn of the Bush: Music for Soprano and Hanging Wood Chimes
Sam Newsome
Giant Steps (Three Sopranos with Piano Strings and Sympathetic Resonance)
Sam Newsome
Sunrise: Music for Flutter Tonguing Soprano and Hanging Gogi Chimes
Sam Newsome
Two-Man Orchestra: Music for Two Multiphonic Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Soprano-ology for Seven Straight Horns
Sam Newsome
The Reed Straw Effect: Music for Four Prepared Sopranos
Sam Newsome
The Morning After: Music for Soprano, Hanging Finger Cymbals and Piano Strings, and Sympathetic Resonance
Sam Newsome
Against the Grain: Music for Solo Prepared Soprano
Sam Newsome
Clicktopia Part 2: Music for Three Air-less Sopranos and Hanging Glass Chimes
Sam Newsome
Japanese Court Music: Music for Three Prepared Sopranos (With Aluminum Foil)
Sam Newsome
Clicktopia Part 3: Music for Seven Sopranos
Sam Newsome
The Soprano-Sphere: Music for Three Flutter-Tonguing Sopranos
Sam Newsome
The Funhouse Effect: Music for Six Prepared and Non-Prepared Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Deadline (Soprano with Piano Strings and Sympathetic Resonance)
Sam Newsome
The Great Debate: Music for Two Sopranos
Sam Newsome
Chaos Theory, No. 1: Brewing
Sam Newsome
Tel Aviv
Sam Newsome
Sonic Polarity
Sam Newsome
Marching Towards Insanity
Sam Newsome
Chaos Theory, No. 2: Hiss-Ology
Sam Newsome
Urban Location
Sam Newsome
Boiler Room Aesthetics
Sam Newsome
Solo, No. 1: Naked Truth
Sam Newsome
Seven Points of Reference
Sam Newsome
Chaos Theory, No. 3: Entrapment
Sam Newsome
Bubble Mute Boogie
Sam Newsome
Solo, No. 2: From Down Under
Sam Newsome
Solo, No. 3: Flutter-Effect
Sam Newsome
Chaos Theory, No. 4: Measured Mayhem
Sam Newsome
Solo, No. 4: Chiming In
Sam Newsome