The Bible Choir - listen to all songs
Selah 1: Lift up Your Head / Mary's Song
The Bible Choir
Overture: In the Beginning
The Bible Choir
The Christmas Story
The Bible Choir
Selah 2: The Wicked Shall Be Turned into Hell / For God so Loved the World
The Bible Choir
Selah 3: The Earth Is the Lord's / Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
The Bible Choir
Selah 4: I Acknowledge My Sin / The Lord's Prayer
The Bible Choir
Selah 5: But Thou Lord Art a Shield / Ask and It Shall Be Given
The Bible Choir
Selah 6: The King Shall Joy in Thy Strength O Lord / Therefore I Tell You
The Bible Choir
Selah 7: But Know That the Lord / Examine Yourselves
The Bible Choir
Selah 8: O Lord My God in Thee Do I Put My Trust / Be Alert and of Sober Mind / Therefore Put on the Full Armour
The Bible Choir
Selah 9: The Lord Hear Thee in the Day of Trouble / Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
The Bible Choir
Selah 10: Lord How Are They Increased / Let Him Come Down / For God so Loved the World
The Bible Choir
Selah 11: Have Mercy Upon Me / Therfore Since We Have Been Justified
The Bible Choir
Selah 12: For This Shall Everyone That Is Godly / Consider It Pure Joy
The Bible Choir
Selah 13: Surely Every Man Walketh in a Vain Shew / Since Then You Have Been Raised with Christ
The Bible Choir
Selah 14: Lord Make Me to Know Mine End / I Consider That Our Present Sufferings
The Bible Choir
Selah 15: Hear Me When I Call / He That Glorieth
The Bible Choir
Selah 16: Blessed Is He Whose Transgression / After This I Looked
The Bible Choir
Selah 17: I Laid Me Down and Slept / Hallelujah / Salvation Is Found
The Bible Choir