The Collegium Ladyes - listen to all songs
Ah Comme Cest Chose Belle
The Collegium Ladyes
Clear Horizon
The Collegium Ladyes
De Castitatis Thalamo
The Collegium Ladyes
Flos Regalis
The Collegium Ladyes
The Collegium Ladyes
Round and Round
The Collegium Ladyes
Mu Suda Arka Ules
The Collegium Ladyes
Lay Me Low
The Collegium Ladyes
The Lords Prayer
The Collegium Ladyes
Now I Walk in Beauty
The Collegium Ladyes
In Virgulto Gracie
The Collegium Ladyes
Veri Floris Sub Figura
The Collegium Ladyes
Veni Redemptor Gencium
The Collegium Ladyes
Be Like a Bird
The Collegium Ladyes
Kuan Shih Yin
The Collegium Ladyes
Ave Maris Stella
The Collegium Ladyes
Omnia Beneficia
The Collegium Ladyes
O Viridissima Virga
The Collegium Ladyes, Хильдегарда Бингенская
Musica Est Dei Donum Optimi
The Collegium Ladyes, Орландо ди Лассо
Kosi R Vaya
The Collegium Ladyes