Emily Axford - listen to all songs
City in the Clouds
Emily Axford
Beverly's House
Emily Axford
The Widow
Emily Axford
Court of the Boy King
Emily Axford
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon
Emily Axford
A Bastard No More
Emily Axford
The Ruins of Cragwater
Emily Axford
Duergar Drudgery
Emily Axford
Spooky Shafts
Emily Axford
Heed the Mushroom's Call
Emily Axford
Schubert's Song
Emily Axford
Jolene the Green
Emily Axford
Farewell to Fungen
Emily Axford
The Mithril's Run Dry
Emily Axford
The Mithril Miner's Shuffle
Emily Axford
The Depths of the Dungeon
Emily Axford
Conspiracy in the Clouds
Emily Axford
The Revenant's Fate
Emily Axford
A Fate Refused
Emily Axford
Escape the Boy King's Brunch
Emily Axford
The Purge
Emily Axford
The Valiant Ol' Cobb
Emily Axford
At the Last Minute, a First
Emily Axford
Emily Axford
A Haven Away from Home
Emily Axford
The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe
Emily Axford
Emily Axford
Emily Axford
The Mountain Meets the Sky
Emily Axford
The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe
Emily Axford