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Un kilomètre à pied
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Le chat paprika
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Bienvenue chez nous
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C'est le printemps
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L'éléphant surprenant
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La libellule dans sa bulle
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La poule dans la foule
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La souris qui s'enfuit
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Les habits
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L'âne qui ricane
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Le furet bien caché
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La météo
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Le papillon glouton
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Les couleurs
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Trois petits chats
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Cadet rousselle
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La tortue attendue
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Le lapin incertain
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C'est l'été
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La fourmi riquiqui
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Gentil coquelicot
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La grenouille qui se mouille
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Le poisson qui fait des ronds
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Je prépare mon sac
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Auprès de ma blonde
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Le crocodile docile
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C'est l'hiver
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L'escargot bricolo
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Les cadeaux colorés
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La coccinelle rebelle
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Un éléphant, ça trompe énormément
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Ma belle citrouille
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Le rock and roll des gallinacés
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Le hibou passe-partout
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La voiture
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Les mois de l'année
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Le cochon ronchon
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C'est l'automne
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Les fruits
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Le ballon
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Les chiffres
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Les légumes
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La porte
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Les contraires
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Les positions
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Le réveil
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