London Philharmonic - listen to all songs
At the Cradle from Two Lyric Pieces
London Philharmonic, Эдвард Григ
Air from Suite No. 3 in D
London Philharmonic
Pastorale from Mosques at Bergamasques-IV
London Philharmonic, Габриэль Форе
Meditation from Thais
London Philharmonic, Жюль Массне
Jeux'd Enfants from Petite Suite No.4 Duo
London Philharmonic, Жорж Бизе
Le Cygne from Carnival of the Animals
London Philharmonic, Камиль Сен-Санс
Intermezzo and Bacarole from Tales of Hoffman
London Philharmonic, Жак Оффенбах
Andante from Symphony No. 6
London Philharmonic
Andante from Symphony No. 5
London Philharmonic, Феликс Мендельсон
Evening Prayer from Hansel and Gretel
London Philharmonic
Andante from Sympony No. 94 "Surprise"
London Philharmonic, Йозеф Гайдн
Wiegenlied "The Lullaby"
London Philharmonic, Иоганнес Брамс