Dark Souls music

Looking Glass Knight
Motoi Sakuraba
Sir Alonne
Yuka Kitamura
Burnt Ivory King
Motoi Sakuraba
Zallen and Lud
Yuka Kitamura
Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin
Yuka Kitamura
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Bearer of the Curse
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Firelink Shrine
Motoi Sakuraba
Taurus Demon
Motoi Sakuraba
Fume Knight
Motoi Sakuraba
Worshippers of the Dead
Yuka Kitamura
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Demon of Song
Motoi Sakuraba
Velstadt, the Royal Aegis
Yuka Kitamura
King Vendrick
Motoi Sakuraba
Guardian Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Elana, the Squalid Queen
Motoi Sakuraba
Bell Gargoyle
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Crossbreed Priscilla
Motoi Sakuraba
Dark Sun Gwyndolin
Motoi Sakuraba
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Motoi Sakuraba
Nameless Song
Motoi Sakuraba
Sanctuary Guardian
Motoi Sakuraba
Knight Artorias
Motoi Sakuraba
Battle of Stoicism
Motoi Sakuraba
Manus, Father of the Abyss
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
Dark Souls
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
The Ancient Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba
Bed of Chaos
Motoi Sakuraba
Gravelord Nito
Motoi Sakuraba
Gaping Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba
Chaos Witch Quelaag
Motoi Sakuraba
Daughters of Chaos
Motoi Sakuraba
Iron Golem
Motoi Sakuraba
Ornstein & Smough
Motoi Sakuraba
Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
Motoi Sakuraba
Great Grey Wolf Sif
Motoi Sakuraba
Ceaseless Discharge
Motoi Sakuraba
Centipede Demon
Motoi Sakuraba
Four Kings
Motoi Sakuraba
Seath the Scaleless
Motoi Sakuraba
A Moment's Peace
Motoi Sakuraba
Queen of Drangleic
Motoi Sakuraba
Yuka Kitamura
Ancient Wyvern
Yuka Kitamura
Nameless King
Motoi Sakuraba
Abyss Watchers
Yuka Kitamura
Yhorm the Giant
Yuka Kitamura
Aldritch, Devourer of Gods
Motoi Sakuraba
Twin Princes
Yuka Kitamura
Soul of Cinder
Yuka Kitamura
Secret Betrayal
Yuka Kitamura
Sister Friede
Yuka Kitamura
Champion's Gravertender
Yuka Kitamura
The Demon Prince
Yuka Kitamura
Oceiros, the Consumed King
Yuka Kitamura
Old Demon King
Motoi Sakuraba
Dragonslayer Armour
Yuka Kitamura
Dark Souls 3
Yuka Kitamura
Yuka Kitamura
Firelink Shrine
Yuka Kitamura
Iudex Gundyr
Tsukasa Saitoh
Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Motoi Sakuraba
Curse-Rotted Greatwood
Motoi Sakuraba
Crystal Sages
Motoi Sakuraba
Deacons of the Deep
Nobuyoshi Suzuki
High Lord Wolnir
Motoi Sakuraba
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Yuka Kitamura
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Yuka Kitamura
Halflight, Spear of the Church
Yuka Kitamura
Darkeater Midir
Yuka Kitamura
The Lost Sinner
Motoi Sakuraba
Executioner's Chariot
Yuka Kitamura
Skeleton Lord
Motoi Sakuraba
Covetous Demon
Motoi Sakuraba
Mytha, the Baneful Queen
Motoi Sakuraba
Old Iron King
Motoi Sakuraba
Scorpioness Najka
Motoi Sakuraba
Royal Rat Authority
Yuka Kitamura
Belfry Gargoyle
Motoi Sakuraba
Ruin Sentinel
Yuka Kitamura
Flexile Sentry
Motoi Sakuraba
Slave Knight Gael
Yuka Kitamura
For the Dark Soul
Yuka Kitamura
Yuka Kitamura
Motoi Sakuraba
Fire Keepers
Motoi Sakuraba
Motoi Sakuraba
The Last Giant
Motoi Sakuraba
The Pursuer
Yuka Kitamura
Old Dragonslayer
Yuka Kitamura
Motoi Sakuraba
Yuka Kitamura