Georges Streha et son orchestre
The Heavens and the Earth. "Khristos rodilsya, Bog voplotilsya"
Serge Jaroff
Alexandr Sveshnikov, Alexandr Sveshnikov, Chœur de la Radio d'État d'URSS, Chœur de la Radio d'État d'URSS
Fedor Patorjinsky Choir, Fedor Patorjinsky, Fedor Patorjinsky Choir, Fedor Patorjinsky
La mal-mariée
Orchestre de balalaïka Saint-Georges
Trio goda
Zina and Gueorgui
Yolly Somov
Lethargy Terror
Butterfly Temple
Le variag
Les Choeurs de L'Armée Rouge
La Chansonette
Lity Taler
How on the top of the hill folk music and words
Camels in the Snow
Fadi Gaziri
Luciana's Dream
Vladimir Denissenkov
Konevets Quartet
Boris Rubaschkin Chor, Balalaïka Ensemble, Peter u. Paul Chor St. Petersburg, Gerhard Dickel, Walerij Starodubzew, Elena Iwanowa
Die Tschaika
Breve è una canzone
Alessio Lega
Tsagan Sarin dun (Tsagan Sar Celebration Song)
Tatiana Dordzhieva, Maria Beltsykova, Maria Beltsykova, Tatiana Dordzhieva
Verbo Veritatis
Ay, Nunushki
Felix Pando, Galina Baida
Stenka Razine
Les Choeurs de l'Armée Rouge MVD
September 22
Nikita Boldyrev
La Volga
L'Ensemble Assya-Kya
Night Heavy
Before we say goodbye
Francis Goya
Kunta Bedinera
Rustavi Choir
Imeruli Mgzavruli
Rustavi Choir
Tuva Song
Moscow Grooves Institute
Too Good To Be True
St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review
Romantic Russia
Christmas Present for Nunja
Tamo Daleko
Samovar Russian Folk Music Ensemble
Es wird im Walde gesagt
Don Kosaken Chor Serge Jaroff
The Song of Ataman Platoff
Helmut Zacharias and His Orchestra
Poy, igray, garmoshka
Georges Streha et son orchestre, Michel Bajanoff, Georges Streha et son orchestre, Michel Bajanoff
Ukranian Christmas Carol. "Shchedryk, shchedryk, shchedrivochka
Serge Jaroff
Solitaire, je partis
Alexandr Sveshnikov, Alexandr Sveshnikov, Chœur de la Radio d'État d'URSS, Chœur de la Radio d'État d'URSS
La joie nouvelle
Fedor Patorjinsky Choir, Fedor Patorjinsky, Fedor Patorjinsky Choir, Fedor Patorjinsky
Suite russe No. 1
Orchestre de balalaïka Saint-Georges
Stiepi moldavanskie
Zina and Gueorgui
Athos Bassissi Accordeon
A child and a shaman
Butterfly Temple
Le long de la Peterskaïa
Les Choeurs de L'Armée Rouge
Double an Dro
Lity Taler
Pedlars folk music words n.Nekrasov
In the Countryside
Fadi Gaziri
Utushka lugovaia
Vladimir Denissenkov
Back in the Year '93
Konevets Quartet