Feeder, Millions - Tumble and Fall

Tumble and Fall
Feeder, Millions
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Song lyrics

All this for nothing, yeah yeah yeah

Praying and hoping, fooling yourself

You know that you can give love a reason

Give love a chance
We tumble and fall, together we crawl

Forever we'll be, tumble and fall
Heaven's above us, yeah yeah yeah

Living in solace, I give you it all

Just for a day, just for a second,

Just for the way
We tumble and fall, together we crawl

Forever we'll be, tumble and fall
Life's not the same, since that day you went away

I recall like the drops of summer rain that fell on me

Come back to me, come back to me, yeah yeah yeah x3
We tumble and fall, together we crawl

Forever we'll be, tumble and fall

Together we crawl, forever we'll be, tumble and fall
Yeah yeah yeah x 6