Bad Religion - All There Is

All There Is
Bad Religion
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Song lyrics

This song goes out to all the hopeless sinners
With grave allegiances so meaningless and vain
The walking wounded, in a pageant of contenders,
Who balance on a rail of pain for just a pail of rain

And everything is barely mist - blood relations and bricks
My expression, my confession
Add it up, extract a lesson more than this
Once again, like a bullet, as a friend tell me
Can that be all there is?

In my rectory of doubt I kneel to pray like one devout
As time the great gray dreamless sleep of a useless modern God
Erodes away each storied day as wretched Adams with hell to pay
Content upon a rail of pain for just a little rain

And everything is dearly missed - blood relations and bricks
My expression, my confession
Add it up, extract a lesson more than this
Once again, like a bullet, as a friend tell me
Can that be all there is?

There's an endless disposition and it doesn't mean a god damn thing
There's a space for a paper airplane race in the eye of a hurricane
And if pigs could fly then surely so could I
But this pedestrian knows better than to even try
My divinity is caught between the colors of a butterfly

And everything is dearly missed - blood relations and bricks
My expression, my confession
Add it up, extract a lesson more than this
Once again, like a bullet, as a friend tell me
Can that be all there is?
Oh there is