Gang Starr - Conspiracy

Gang Starr
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Song lyrics

[Verse 1: Guru]
You can't tell me life was meant to be like this,
A black man in a world dominated by whiteness,
Ever since the Declaration of Independence
We've been easily brainwashed by just one sentence,
It goes: "All men are created equal",
That's why corrupt governments kill innocent people
With chemical warfare, they created crack and AIDS,
Got the public thinkin' these were things that black folks made.
And every time there's violence shown in the media,
Usually it's a black thing, so where are they leadin' ya,
To a world full of ignorance, hatred, and prejudice,
TV and the news for years, they have fed you this
Foolish notion that blacks are all criminals,
Violent, low-lifes, and then even animals,
I'm telling the truth so some suckers are fearin' me,
But I must do my part to combat the conspiracy.

[Verse 2: Guru]
The SAT is not geared for the lower class,
So why waste time even tryna pass?
The educational system presumes you to fail,
The next place is the corner, then after that jail.
You've got to understand that this has all been conspired,
To put a strain on our brains so that the strong grow tired,
It even exists when you go to your church,
‘Cause up on the wall a white Jesus lurks.
They use your subconscious to control your will,
They've done it for a while and developed the skill
To make you want to kill even your own brother, man,
Black against black, you see, it's part of their plan.
They want to send us to war and they want to ban rap,
What they really want to do is get rid of us blacks,
Genocide is for real, and I hope that you're hearin' me,
You must be aware to combat the conspiracy.

[Verse 3: Guru]
Even in this rap game all that glitters ain't gold,
Now that rap is big business, the snakes got bold,
They give you wack contracts and try to make you go pop,
‘Cause they have no regard for real hip-hop.
They'll compare you to others and say, "But, yo, he sells",
And you know in your heart that he's weak as hell,
So you say: "I ain't doin' that corny stuff."
But they tell ya that your chart positions will go up.
Sometimes they front big time and make you many promises,
And when they break 'em, that's when your mama says,
"Son, you're makin' records but that guy seems shady."
It could be too late, and your career could be played, G,
I hope you listen to the things that I'm sharin', see,
We all have a job to combat the conspiracy.