The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem - The Jolly Tinker

The Jolly Tinker
The Clancy Brothers, Tommy Makem
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Song lyrics

As I went down a shady lane,
As a door I chanced to knock
"Have you any pots or kettles
With rusty holes to block?"

Well, indeed I have,
Don't you know I have?
To me rightful loora laddie,
Well, indeed I have!

The missus came out to the door
And she asked me to come in
Sayin': "You're welcome jolly tinker
And I hope you brought your tin?"

Well, indeed I did,
Don't you know I did?
To me rightful loora laddie,
Well, indeed I did!

She took me through the kitchen
And she led me through the hall
And the servants cried: "The divil,
Has he come to block us all?"

Well, indeed I have,
Don't you know I have?
To me rightful loora laddie,
Well, indeed I have!

She took me up the stairs, me lads,
To show me what to do
And she fell on the featherbed
And I fell on it too!

Well, indeed I did,
Don't you know I did?
To me rightful loora laddie,
Well, indeed I did!

She then picked up the frying-pan
And she began to knock
For to let the servants know, me lads,
That I was at me work

Well, indeed I was,
Don't you know I was?
To me rightful loora laddie,
Well, indeed I was!

She put her hand into her pocket
And she pulled out twenty pound
Say: "Take this me jolly tinker
And we'll have another round

Well, indeed we will,
Don't you know we will?
To me rightful loora laddie,
Well, indeed we will!

Well, I've been a jolly tinker now
For forty years or more
Oh, but such a rusty hole is
That I never blocked before

Well, indeed I didn't,
Don't you know I didn't?
To me rightful loora laddie
Well, indeed I didn't!