Mac Demarco - Dreams from Yesterday

Dreams from Yesterday
Mac Demarco
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Song lyrics

Once your dreams
Come knocking at your door,
It's time to realize
You aren't dreaming anymore.
And once your life set to settle down,
Take a look around you –
No more dreaming to be found.

So why then, are you crying?
It was you
Who denied them,
And no amount of tears
Could roll back all the years,
Bring back all your dreams from yesterday.

Once a life, these has got it set up,
A closer look reveals
Just how empty you can feel.
Once a dream
Is finally put to bed,
Rest up sleepy head,
Might as well be dead.

So why then, are you crying?
It was you
Who denied them,
And no amount of tears
Could roll back all the years,
Bring back all your dreams from yesterday.