Bobby Darin, Johnny Mercer - If I Had My Druthers

If I Had My Druthers
Bobby Darin, Johnny Mercer
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Song lyrics

If I had my druthers
I'd druther have my druthers
Then anything else I know.
While you'd druther hustle
Accumulatin' muscle
I'd druther watch daisies grow.
While they're growin' slow an'
The summer breeze is blowin'
My heart is overflowin' and so.
If I had my druthers
I'd druther have my druthers
Than anything else I know.

Robert, you think you could agree with that kind of philosophy?

Agree? I live it!

If I had my druthers
I'd druther have my druthers
Then work any whereas at all.

Don't nobody call.

It ain't that I hates it
Why, in fact, I even contemplates it
While watchin' raindrops fall.
I sits there for hours
Developin' my powers
Of figurin' how flowers gets tall.
If I had my druthers
I'd druther have my druthers
Then anything else at all.

If I had my druthers
To choose from all the others
I'd druther be like I am.

I like you just the way you are.

This thing called employment
Detracts from my enjoyment
And tightens my diaphragm.

Oh, you poor lamb!

Whilst I'm doin' nary
A thing that's necessary
I'm happy as a cherrystone clam.

Some of my best friends are clams!

If I had my druthers
To choose from all the others
I'd rather be like I am.

If we had our druthers
We'd rather have our druthers
Than anything else we know.
Our forefathers wrote it
And often times we quote it
Whenever we're feelin' low.

Monsieur John?

As direct descendants

We figure independence

Ain't only in Missouri and so.
If we had our druthers
We'd rather have our druthers
Than anything else we know.

Why sho'...

Than anything else we know


Then anythin else we know
Enco' ...
Than anything else we know.


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